
This class can take either an Editor or a Cms array of data to render.

TwillTransString is a wrapper around the trans function.

The name is a bit stupid here, but we do have the legacy settings (deprecate in 4.x?).

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Login Controller
This controller handles authenticating users for the application and
redirecting them to your home screen. The controller uses a trait
to conveniently provide its functionality to your applications.

Save repeaters in a json column instead of a new model.

Mimic HandleBrowsers, but when the relation uses HasRelated instead of being a proper model relation.

DTO for rendering a Block.


This is an empty one as it is rendered on the vue end.

This filter uses a relation (BelongsTo) to make a filter select.

This filter shows a select of available options of a certain field.

This filter is used internally and will not have any effect when used in your quickfilters/filters list.

Base class to implement image service parameter compatibility.


The constructor of our components does grow quite large, but the benefit of this is that it is clear what is in, needs to be in, and it provides autocomplete on modern code editors.